Analysis Optimisation

What types of savings are typical?

In a word, no savings are typical due to the ever complexities of utility invoices. In deregulated markets, tariffs and pass through charges (i.e., non-commodity costs) make up anywhere between 50 and 60 percent of your energy bill.

Managing these costs is difficult. Due to the variety of different tariffs available. On both tariff and non-commodity charges are constantly changing. There is no legal requirement for a utility supplier to offer you the most cost-effective rate option. Or to inform you that a supply is eligible for an exemption for all, or part, of certain non-commodity charges.

CEP’s Analysis and Optimization services ensure businesses are not overpaying for their energy requirements. As part of this service, experienced bureau analysts assess all applicable rate options offered by the local utility supplier. More cost-effective options are identified. These are then ranked (by savings and suitability).

Next with your approval, implemented. In addition, all non-commodity charges are reviewed to identify opportunities to reduce or eliminate these additional costs. Our Analysis and Optimization service provides businesses with quantifiable and long-term energy cost savings. This is part of our standard customer service level agreement.

Invoice data checking carried out by CEP

  1. 1/ Invoice sent to client who no longer occupies the property
    Especially multi-site clients have failed to
    notify the suppliers when vacating a premise.

  2. 2/ Incorrect contract rates applied
    The rates in which the client is contracted
    to doesn’t match with the invoice.

  3. 3/Meter readings
    Meter readings do not match the previous invoice.
    Issues with meter or incorrect multiple/factor used.

  4. 4/ Overlapping invoicing period
    The number of billing days invoiced in previous
    months overlap.

  5. 5/ MD Demand inconsistencies
    The KVA demand is incorrect with the site profile.

  6. 6/ Consumption inaccuracies
    current invoice shows a spike or drop in consumption
    which isn’t historical with the supply.

  7. 7/ Incorrect Tax
    Relevant VAT premium is applied – Previous balance
    and late fees. Incorrect balance carry
    forward or late fees.